About Us

Meet the Willing & Able family. Lawyers, Data Protection Officers, Web Developers, Project Managers, Designers and more.

Every company has their own way of conducting business, their atmosphere, the kind of culture they are as a whole and much more.

This section shows who we are as a business and what we stand for. We create legally compliant software for businesses.


What W&A stands for and the means to achieve our goals.


Meet the team that delivers LegalTech Software.


A little about the internal processes here at Willing & Able.

Our Mission

Company Mission

Willing & Able provides reliable e-business solutions to a range of businesses and organisations, from small startup companies to well-established conglomerates. We offer a multitude of SaaS applications to accommodate your every business need. It is our mission to connect businesses, to develop relationships and once established, to maintain them.

Company Vision

We believe in contributing to a new era of digital transformation. Our vision is to make business life easier through automation and cutting time-consuming processes.

Our Team


Our other shareholders are jurists, data protection officers, IT experts and entrepreneurs who are always transparent about their decision-making which adds considerable value to putting team efforts in the right direction.

Heiko Jonny Maniero


Working Process

How it Begins

To achieve our company objectives, we start by identifying the necessary procedures and operations and prioritize them. Then, we set realistic and achievable goals to come up with software solutions adjusted to market needs and trends. New applications are the lifeblood of our company as they are the source of our business growth.

Idea Generation

To come up with new ideas, we use both, internal and external channels, such as requests from courts or tribunals of a European Union Member State to the European Court of Justice (preliminary rulings), development activities, brainstorming sessions with our team members, marketing and competition research, as well as identification of our customer needs based on market analysis.

Identifying Needs

While developing plans for new applications, our management team considers and evaluates such factors as the size and type of the companies that will use our applications, as well as the technologies, resources and corporate capabilities necessary for the development of a new system.

Ensuring Feasibility

This screening and evaluation procedure for new products helps our management team to eliminate the ideas that impose unacceptably high risks and concentrate on the promising ones. As soon as a new product idea is approved, we keep evaluating it regularly at all levels of planning.
